Thursday 17 July 2014

What Are Merchants Looking For in Payment Gateways?

In a bricks-and-mortar store you hand over cash to make a purchase and it gets locked securely away in the cash register drawer. Digital cash doesn’t work this way. But it still needs to travel securely to stop it from getting into the wrong hands. That’s what a payment gateway is for.

An Ecommerce Shopping Cart with a payment gateway allows:

• Transaction quickly and easily

• Secures customer's money and credentials

• Enhance trustworthy

There are many good reasons to create your own payment gateway that suits your business needs and requirements.

Benefits in Creating Your Own Payment Gateway

• Sign up Cost: With every transaction outside payment gateways have a sign-up cost and a fee associated to you and thereby eating up a portion of your profit. With your own payment gateway you save on these fees and cost.

• Custom Features: Outside payment gateways is limited to certain features like accepting recurring payments and/or multi-currency transactions. Sometimes, they even charge additional fees for such add-on features. But having an own payment gateway means, customization is a breeze depending on your business needs and requirements.

• Offer Payment Gateway Product to Other Merchants:
In addition to you making greater profits, better yet you can even offer and sell your payment gateway as a product to other merchants, ISOs and Agents.

What Are Merchants Expecting From Payment Gateways?

Designed to your specifications, owning a payment gateway can be a valuable tool for your Shopping Cart Ecommerce.

• Payment Gateway Portals allows you to provide a single, integrated solution for point of sale and payment processing.

• Help merchants gain the customer’s confidence.

• Should be able to adapt to the ever changing world of online payment processing to add and accept new payment types.

To conclude, there's no way around choosing a payment gateway without consulting an Ecommerce Website Development Company.