Friday, 2 May 2014

The Latest PHP 5.5 to Impact Strongly Over Ecommerce Stores

The evolution of the “Knowledge Is Power” in ecommerce site is to create a system of user accounts. Php Web development has marked its presence in creating dynamic and interactive website. Having said, the latest upgraded PHP version 5.5 comes with lots of changes and value additions in order to benefit ecommerce store fronts.

Let’s look at the brief description of what PHP version 5.5 has to offer your online store.

Refinery Keyword Facility:

In Php version 5.5, a developer can easily define block code and cache block for better keyword search.  This results in great keyword search density - much helpful in the ecommerce online stores.

Availability of Generators: 

While it provides a way for iteration through the data because of which the function keyword will give the more appropriate results. PHP Web Developers can offer this facility so as to get appropriate results for a particular search for keyword.

Class Name Resolution Update: 

Updated class name resolution provides easy and fast filtering through the class names with the feasibility for the class name resolution and filtration in the updated php version.

Empty Functions Acceptability: 

Empty functions let you determine the false or equal value false commands. Php version 5.5 has improvised feature to accept the empty function and doesn’t take the search result at initial position. This helps ecommerce online stores to get uninterrupted process of product selling after the false command entries.


Besides the many core technical impact, it even shows security impacts. For example, Microsoft has decided to cut-off the support system of windows XP and other older versions. Means cracking the systems is too easy now. But with Php 5.5 version, the firewall provided by the windows and security system will keep your ecommerce shopping cart intact.

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