Be it any type of business, creating an ecommerce store, marketing your brand online and publishing news and other content via blogs are considered the critical strategies of today. But when a website lags behind in terms of trending technologies and approaches to web development, it negatively impacts your business.
Here we have listed a few questions that hopefully will help you assess a website and decide if it’s time for a redesign or complete rebuild.
Is the Loading Time Affecting Transactions?
When it comes to reaching consumers online, it is found that each additional second of load time can reduce online sales by 7%. Two factors can cause this
• One could be the poor code
• Else, the images and video files are bulking down the site.
To encounter this problem, brands must consult with reputed Ecommerce Web Development Company to discover what aspects of a website are holding it back from optimal performance.
When Was the Last Time you Updated Web Design?
Believe it or not, a visitor can judge a website within 6 seconds of seeing the homepage which probably conveys the importance of compelling and immersive web design. Catering to touch screens proliferates of flat design on many websites.
Even if your competitor meets the technical features as that of your, design elements can serve as a final factor in communicating the spirit of a brand.
Are Visuals and Web Content Doing Their Job?
Many studies have shown that visual messaging can supplement written content and increase engagement with a page, specifically for eCommerce operations where high quality visual is the gateway to finalizing transactions.
Do you respond to Mobile Visitors?
When it comes to computing, about 50% of all web traffic in the world came from a smartphone or tablet which means brands must optimize their websites for mobile users. Apart from optimising your site to various screen size, attend to touch screens, finger-tips and other user interface features. Else, they might encounter a clunky mobile version of a site and cancel their purchase.
Responsive web design (RWD) is an ecommerce web design approach that adapts page elements for specific devices leading to open access for potential customers regardless of the device they use.
Hope these above mentioned questions are truly an insight for your thoughts.
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