Thursday 13 March 2014

Upgrade Your Website to Joomla & Stay Ahead Of the Competition

Joomla Web Development

HTML to Joomla

Is Your Website Designed With Lot Of Effort? And if you are interested to upgrade it without sacrificing all the hard work you have already put in it - Joomla CMS is the right choice.

The Process Goes On Like This: We port all your content, forms and web design to your brand new joomla website so that creating and managing content in future would be as easy as pie. If required, we can even code any extra functionality such as modules, components, etc for your website to stay ahead of the competition.

Okay, Do You Fall In Any Of These Categories? I still use the normal HTML or static website / I don’t know anything about coding / I want to get rid of learning a numerous programming languages to maintain an existing website.

Why There’s No Need to Stick to Static HTML Pages?

• Difficult To Modify Your Website

• Mandatory to Learn HTML and CSS if You Want To Change the Content

• Since Your Site Is Fully Static, There Is No Chance for Newsletter / Feedback System

• Can’t Add Menu Items or Sections or Categories

• To Edit the Content Part, A Lot of Time, Money and Energy Required

Why Joomla Is the Best Irrespective Of Your Budget?

Wanting To Add More Features to Your Already Existing Website?  Say, Blog, Forum, Photo Gallery, Video Calendar, Ecommerce Directories and Newsletter Etc - Then It’s Time for You to Upgrade to Joomla.

Believe it or not, you can easily get existing website converted to Joomla by making use of our “Existing Website to Joomla Conversion Service” that too in less time, less budget but more users friendly. Guess what? The best part is that with Joomla not only you can easily add/delete/edit the content, but also change images or videos in a fraction of second. Apart from this, we offer

• Complete User Manual

• Customizing A Template To Match Your Original Design

• Drop Down Menu

• Fully Div Based Template XHTML/CSS, Validated

• Compatible Across All Major Browsers

• Search Engine Optimized

What’s more! Yeah, Approach us for the latest version of Joomla. If you feel like converting your existing website to Joomla, please mail your requirement at and we will send you a quote, anytime.

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