Tuesday 17 June 2014

Why Count On Drupal CMS for Website Development?

A CMS enables developers to hand over control of the content to the client, whilst they can add further technical functionality, upon request. Drupal just makes a large difference in the life of a website development.

There are many reasons as to why Drupal Website Development is the best CMS system out there. Let us break it down a little for you:

Extendibility: Drupal sites can start small and easily expand in size tenfold without any major issues.

Databases: Drupal works on MYSQL and lets you organize and manage large amount of data, better than any other CMSs.

Customizability: There are many options to customize Drupal theme. Beyond any pre-made themes Drupal is infinitely easier to customize the website but more capable library of modules. These modules work inside its framework to develop website with a number of features ranging from social networking sites and e-commerce websites and many more.

Drupal Community: One of the brilliant aspects of using this solid platform is its community. Here are some advantages to the Drupal Community

• 8000 plus modules and 600,000 plus users listed on Drupal.org.

• Almost 400,000 websites run on Drupal

• Senior Developers from worldwide To Give Hands

SEO: Drupal's built-in tools for automating SEO on massive amounts of content, along with granular control that gives you absolute power over every single site element.

Various Drupal CMS Development Services

• Bespoke Website Design and Drupal CMS Integration

• Module Integration and Module Coding

• Customised HTML, CSS, PHP and jQuery

• Server installation, Server-side Security and Caching

• Ecommerce Design and CMS Integration

• Site Audits and Problem Resolution

• Migration of Existing Websites to the Drupal CMS

• Website Maintenance Services

If you’ve got a website already, but would like to migrate to a more SEO-friendly CMS, switch to Drupal Content Management System. All of your content will be safely transferred to the new destination in minutes, saving your time and efforts.

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